Matches in Nanopublications for { ?s <> ?o ?g. }
- EOSC comment "The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an environment for hosting and processing research data to support EU open science." assertion.
- Azure-AD comment "Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), part of Microsoft Entra, is an enterprise identity service that provides single sign-on, multifactor authentication, and conditional access to guard against 99.9 percent of cybersecurity attacks." assertion.
- Parquet comment "Apache Parquet is an open source, column-oriented data file format designed for efficient data storage and retrieval. It provides efficient data compression and encoding schemes with enhanced performance to handle complex data in bulk." assertion.
- Parquet comment "Apache Parquet is an open source, column-oriented data file format designed for efficient data storage and retrieval. It provides efficient data compression and encoding schemes with enhanced performance to handle complex data in bulk." assertion.
- Parquet comment "Apache Parquet is an open source, column-oriented data file format designed for efficient data storage and retrieval. It provides efficient data compression and encoding schemes with enhanced performance to handle complex data in bulk." assertion.
- DDI-L_3.3_struct_codelists comment "A structure used to associate a list of code values to specified categories. May be flat or hierarchical." assertion.
- ISO_639-2 comment "ISO 639-2:1998 provides two sets of three-letter alphabetic codes for the representation of names of languages, one for terminology applications and the other for bibliographic applications. The code sets are the same except for twenty-five languages that have variant language codes because of the criteria used for formulating them. The language codes were devised originally for use by libraries, information services, and publishers to indicate language in the exchange of information, especially in computerized systems. ISO 639-2 represents all languages contained in ISO 639-1 and in addition any other language as well as language groups as they may be coded for special purposes when more specificity in coding is needed. The languages listed in ISO 639-1 are a subset of the languages listed in ISO 639-2; every language code in the two-letter code set has a corresponding language code in the alpha-3 list, but not necessarily vice versa. " assertion.
- ISO_639-2_1998 comment "ISO 639-2:1998 provides two sets of three-letter alphabetic codes for the representation of names of languages, one for terminology applications and the other for bibliographic applications. The code sets are the same except for twenty-five languages that have variant language codes because of the criteria used for formulating them. The language codes were devised originally for use by libraries, information services, and publishers to indicate language in the exchange of information, especially in computerized systems. ISO 639-2 represents all languages contained in ISO 639-1 and in addition any other language as well as language groups as they may be coded for special purposes when more specificity in coding is needed. The languages listed in ISO 639-1 are a subset of the languages listed in ISO 639-2; every language code in the two-letter code set has a corresponding language code in the alpha-3 list, but not necessarily vice versa. " assertion.
- NACE-Rev-2 comment "Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community. " assertion.
- ISCO-08 comment "ISCO-08 is a four-level hierarchically structured classification that allows all jobs in the world to be classified into 436 unit groups. These groups form the most detailed level of the classification structure and are aggregated into 130 minor groups, 43 sub-major groups and 10 major groups, based on their similarity in terms of the skill level and skill specialization required for the jobs. " assertion.
- ISCO-08 comment "ISCO-08 is a four-level hierarchically structured classification that allows all jobs in the world to be classified into 436 unit groups. These groups form the most detailed level of the classification structure and are aggregated into 130 minor groups, 43 sub-major groups and 10 major groups, based on their similarity in terms of the skill level and skill specialization required for the jobs. " assertion.
- DDI-CDI comment "DDI-CDI is a model-driven, domain- and technology-neutral metadata specification designed to facilitate the combination of data from diverse sources and across disciplines." assertion.
- assertion comment "What a nonsense." assertion.
- MCAL-NL comment "Community of Media Content Analysis scholars in the Netherlands" assertion.
- assertion comment "111" assertion.
- HISCO comment "History Of Work Information System offers information on occupations in the past." assertion.
- HISCO comment "History Of Work Information System offers information on occupations in the past." assertion.
- H-ICD comment "Historical ICD" assertion.
- AMCO comment "Dit repertorium is opgezet om te voorkomen dat historisch onderzoek al te zeer belemmerd wordt door de voortdurende veranderingen van de gemeenten en gemeentenamen in Nederland. Biedt deze publicatie een volledig overzicht van alle gemeenten die tussen 1812 en 2011 hebben bestaan. Een dergelijke volledige lijst is tot op heden nog nooit gepubliceerd. Er zijn wel enige overzichten beschikbaar, maar die zijn of niet geheel volledig, of niet geheel juist. De publicatie van de Demografische databank Nederlandse gemeenten, 1811-1850 ('Beekink en Van Cruyningen, 1995') komt dicht in de buurt, maar mist een aantal gemeenten die in het begin van de negentiende eeuw hebben bestaan. Een betrouwbaarder lijst is opgesteld door het CBS." assertion.
- IDS comment "intermedia data structure " assertion.
- SHACL comment "SHACL, Shapes Constraint Language, is a language for validating RDF graphs against a set of conditions." assertion.
- CC-BY-SA comment "CC-BY-SA 4.0" assertion.
- CC-BY-NC comment "CC BY-NC 2.0: Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic" assertion.
- LGBTQVoc comment "The LGBTQ+ Linked Open Vocabulary Community consists of researcher, librarians, linguistics experts that are contributing to the development and use of vocabularies such as Homosaurus, QLIT, etc. The community is centered around the Homosaurus project. " assertion.
- NTriples comment "N-Triples is a format for storing and transmitting data. It is a line-based, plain text serialisation format for RDF (Resource Description Framework) graphs, and a subset of the Turtle (Terse RDF Triple Language) format." assertion.
- Turtle comment "Turtle is a common textual syntax for RDF that allows an RDF graph to be completely written in a compact and natural text form, with abbreviations for common usage patterns and datatypes." assertion.
- LSCH comment "Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) is widely used in library systems. " assertion.
- LCSH comment "Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) is widely used in library systems. " assertion.
- Homosaurus comment "Homosaurus is a large linked open vocabulary for LGBTQ+ topics. " assertion.
- QLIT comment " The purpose of Queer Literature Indexing Thesaurus (QLIT) is to adequately catalogue Swedish fiction with LGBTQI themes. It is published online as Linked Open Data (LOD) and used with external systems. " assertion.
- ISO8601 comment "ISO 8601 data and time format" assertion.
- ISO8601 comment "ISO 8601 data and time format" assertion.
- FAIRsharing.kkdpxe comment "MetaboLights is a database for metabolomics studies, their raw experimental data and associated metadata. The database is cross-species and cross-technique and it covers metabolite structures and their reference spectra as well as their biological roles and locations. MetaboLights is the recommended metabolomics repository for a number of leading journals and ELIXIR, the European infrastructure for life science information." assertion.
- FAIRsharing.kkdpxe comment "MetaboLights is a database for metabolomics studies, their raw experimental data and associated metadata. The database is cross-species and cross-technique and it covers metabolite structures and their reference spectra as well as their biological roles and locations. MetaboLights is the recommended metabolomics repository for a number of leading journals and ELIXIR, the European infrastructure for life science information." assertion.
- MAC_FAIR_FIC comment "The Metabolomics and Analytics Centre develops innovative analytical strategies for metabolomics-driven health monitoring and systems biology studies with a mission to develop personalised medicine approaches and health monitoring." assertion.
- 13289 comment "This is just an example comment." assertion.
- TriplyDB comment "TriplyDB is a platform that allows you to store, publish, and use linked data Knowledge Graphs. TriplyDB makes it easy to upload linked data and expose it through various APIs (SPARQL, Elasticsearch, LDF, REST)" assertion.
- Figshare comment "figshare is a data repository where users can make all of their research outputs available in a citable, shareable and discoverable manner" assertion.
- Figshare comment "figshare is a data repository where users can make all of their research outputs available in a citable, shareable and discoverable manner" assertion.
- OSF comment "Open Science Framework (OSF) is a free and open-source project management tool that makes it easy to collaborate throughout a project's lifecycle. With OSF you can manage, store, and share documents, datasets, and other information. You can also publish your work to share it with a wider audience." assertion.
- OSF comment "Open Science Framework (OSF) is a free and open-source project management tool that makes it easy to collaborate throughout a project's lifecycle. With OSF you can manage, store, and share documents, datasets, and other information. You can also publish your work to share it with a wider audience." assertion.
- ODbL comment "The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use a Database while maintaining this same freedom for others. It is developed by Open Data Commons, the home of a set of legal tools and licenses to help publish, provide and use open data." assertion.
- FAIRsharing.53gp75 comment "Investigation Study Assay Tabular (ISA-Tab) describes the ISA Abstract Model reference implementation specified using the ISA-Tab format. ISA-Tab files are tab separated value (tsv) files, with specific labeled column structures. The ISA model consists of three core entities to capture experimental metadata: investigation, study and assay. The extensible, hierarchical structure of this model enables the representation of studies employing one or a combination of technologies, focusing on the description of its experimental metadata (i.e. sample characteristics, technology and measurement types, sample-to-data relationships)." assertion.
- FAIRsharing.sye5js comment "The Human Metabolome Database (HMDB) is a freely available electronic database containing detailed information about small molecule metabolites found in the human body. It is intended to be used for applications in metabolomics, clinical chemistry, biomarker discovery and general education. The database is designed to contain or link three kinds of data: 1) chemical data, 2) clinical data, and 3) molecular biology/biochemistry data. The database contains 220,945 metabolite entries including both water-soluble and lipid soluble metabolites. Additionally, 8,610 protein sequences (enzymes and transporters) are linked to these metabolite entries. Each MetaboCard entry contains 130 data fields with 2/3 of the information being devoted to chemical/clinical data and the other 1/3 devoted to enzymatic or biochemical data. Many data fields are hyperlinked to other databases (KEGG, PubChem, MetaCyc, ChEBI, PDB, UniProt, and GenBank) and a variety of structure and pathway viewing applets. The HMDB database supports extensive text, sequence, chemical structure, MS and NMR spectral query searches. Four additional databases, DrugBank, T3DB, SMPDB and FooDB are also part of the HMDB suite of databases." assertion.
- FAIRsharing.sye5js comment "The Human Metabolome Database (HMDB) is a freely available electronic database containing detailed information about small molecule metabolites found in the human body. It is intended to be used for applications in metabolomics, clinical chemistry, biomarker discovery and general education. The database is designed to contain or link three kinds of data: 1) chemical data, 2) clinical data, and 3) molecular biology/biochemistry data. The database contains 220,945 metabolite entries including both water-soluble and lipid soluble metabolites. Additionally, 8,610 protein sequences (enzymes and transporters) are linked to these metabolite entries. Each MetaboCard entry contains 130 data fields with 2/3 of the information being devoted to chemical/clinical data and the other 1/3 devoted to enzymatic or biochemical data. Many data fields are hyperlinked to other databases (KEGG, PubChem, MetaCyc, ChEBI, PDB, UniProt, and GenBank) and a variety of structure and pathway viewing applets. The HMDB database supports extensive text, sequence, chemical structure, MS and NMR spectral query searches. Four additional databases, DrugBank, T3DB, SMPDB and FooDB are also part of the HMDB suite of databases." assertion.
- FAIRsharing.sye5js comment "The Human Metabolome Database (HMDB) is a freely available electronic database containing detailed information about small molecule metabolites found in the human body. It is intended to be used for applications in metabolomics, clinical chemistry, biomarker discovery and general education. The database is designed to contain or link three kinds of data: 1) chemical data, 2) clinical data, and 3) molecular biology/biochemistry data. The database contains 220,945 metabolite entries including both water-soluble and lipid soluble metabolites. Additionally, 8,610 protein sequences (enzymes and transporters) are linked to these metabolite entries. Each MetaboCard entry contains 130 data fields with 2/3 of the information being devoted to chemical/clinical data and the other 1/3 devoted to enzymatic or biochemical data. Many data fields are hyperlinked to other databases (KEGG, PubChem, MetaCyc, ChEBI, PDB, UniProt, and GenBank) and a variety of structure and pathway viewing applets. The HMDB database supports extensive text, sequence, chemical structure, MS and NMR spectral query searches. Four additional databases, DrugBank, T3DB, SMPDB and FooDB are also part of the HMDB suite of databases." assertion.
- CLARIN-AAI comment "AAI (Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure) for the ClARIN project." assertion.
- CLARIN-AAI comment "AAI (Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure) for the ClARIN project." assertion.
- PROV-O comment "The PROV Ontology (PROV-O) expresses the PROV Data Model [PROV-DM] using the OWL2 Web Ontology Language (OWL2). It provides a set of classes, properties, and restrictions that can be used to represent and interchange provenance information generated in different systems and under different contexts. It can also be specialized to create new classes and properties to model provenance information for different applications and domains. The PROV Document Overview describes the overall state of PROV, and should be read before other PROV documents." assertion.
- BIBFRAME comment "BIBFRAME (Bibliographic Framework) is an initiative to evolve bibliographic description standards to a linked data model, in order to make bibliographic information more useful both within and outside the library community. Some communities uses BIBFRAME instead of MARC21." assertion.
- RVM comment "The Répertoire de vedettes-matière de l'Université Laval (RVM) is a controlled vocabulary made up of four mostly bilingual thesauruses. It is designed for document indexers, organizations that want to describe the content of their documents or of their products and services, as well as anyone who wants to clarify vocabulary in English and French as part of their work or research. " assertion.
- RVM comment "The Répertoire de vedettes-matière de l'Université Laval (RVM) is a controlled vocabulary made up of four mostly bilingual thesauruses. It is designed for document indexers, organizations that want to describe the content of their documents or of their products and services, as well as anyone who wants to clarify vocabulary in English and French as part of their work or research. " assertion.
- LACDR comment "The Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR) is a centre of excellence for multidisciplinary research on drug discovery and development at Leiden University." assertion.
- LACDR-DDS comment "At the LACDR division of Drug Discovery & Safety (DDS) we are interested in the efficacy and safety of new drugs and novel means to decipher these aspects. Hence, we employ advanced imaging and high-throughput screening techniques next to computational approaches such as chem- and bioinformatics." assertion.
- LACDR-DDS-CTDS comment "In the Cancer Therapeutics and Drug Safety research group at the LACDR, headed by prof. dr. Bob van de Water, cell signaling programs that underlie adverse drug reactions as well as cancer development and progression are unraveled." assertion.
- abc comment "another test" assertion.
- abc comment "yet another test" assertion.
- abc comment "example example" assertion.
- abc comment "next example" assertion.
- TheTuringWay comment "The Turing Way project is open source, open collaboration, and community-driven. It involves and supports a diverse community of contributors to make data science accessible, comprehensible and effective for everyone. The goal is to provide all the information that researchers and data scientists in academia, industry and the public sector need to ensure that the projects they work on are easy to reproduce and reuse." assertion.
- W3ID_Community comment "The Permanent Identifier Community Group (W3ID Community) maintains a secure, permanent UL re-direction service for the Web located at " assertion.
- association comment "this is just a test." assertion.
- assertion comment "another test..." assertion.
- association comment "another test..." assertion.
- science.286.5439.509 comment "Algorithm for generating scale-free networks. Power law distribution. Preferential attachment." assertion.
- GalaxyClimate comment "The Galaxy Climate Science Community is developing and maintaining comprehensive set of analysis tools and consolidated workflows for climate analysis and visualisation in Galaxy Europe open platform." assertion.
- eLTER-SO-GG comment "The governance group has the task to define and to provide interoperability of the required eLTER Standard Observation terminology based on the eLTER's whole system approach." assertion.
- association comment "Subjective synonymy based on morphological comparison of the type specimens of the two species names" assertion.
- association comment "Subjective synonymy based on morphological comparison of the type specimens of the two species names" assertion.
- association comment "Subjective synonymy based on morphological comparison of the type specimens of the two species names" assertion.
- association comment "Subjective synonymy based on morphological comparison of the type specimens of the two species names" assertion.
- association comment "Subjective synonymy based on morphological comparison of the type specimens of the two species names" assertion.
- association comment "Subjective synonymy based on morphological comparison of the type specimens of the two species names" assertion.
- association comment "Subjective synonymy based on morphological comparison of the type specimens of the two species names" assertion.
- association comment "Subjective synonymy based on morphological comparison of the type specimens of the two species names" assertion.
- association comment "Subjective synonymy based on morphological comparison of the type specimens of the two species names" assertion.
- FAIRsharing.mtjvme comment "The BioStudies database holds descriptions of biological studies, links to data from these studies in other databases at EMBL-EBI or outside, as well as data that do not fit in the structured archives at EMBL-EBI. The database can accept a wide range of types of studies described via a simple format. It also enables manuscript authors to submit supplementary information and link to it from the publication." assertion.
- FAIRsharing.mtjvme comment "The BioStudies database holds descriptions of biological studies, links to data from these studies in other databases at EMBL-EBI or outside, as well as data that do not fit in the structured archives at EMBL-EBI. The database can accept a wide range of types of studies described via a simple format. It also enables manuscript authors to submit supplementary information and link to it from the publication." assertion.
- sphn comment "The Swiss Personalized Health Network is a national initiative under the leadership of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS). In collaboration with the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics it contributes to the development, implementation and validation of coordinated data infrastructures in order to make health-relevant data interoperable and shareable for research in Switzerland. " assertion.
- association comment "Wolf (Canis lupus) predation and scavenging of reintroduced bison (Bison bison): a hallmark of ecological restoration to boreal food webs" assertion.
- DEIMS-SDR comment "DEIMS-SDR (Dynamic Ecological Information Management System - Site and Dataset Registry) is an information management system for the discovery of long-term environmental research and monitoring facilities around the globe, along with the data gathered at those sites and the people and networks associated with them." assertion.
- Handle_System comment "DEIMS-SDR (Dynamic Ecological Information Management System - Site and Dataset Registry) is an information management system for the discovery of long-term environmental research and monitoring facilities around the globe, along with the data gathered at those sites and the people and networks associated with them." assertion.
- ENES comment "ENES gathers the community working on Earth’s climate system modelling with the aim to accelerate progress in this field. This community is strongly involved in the assessments of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and provides those predictions, on which EU mitigation and adaptation policies are elaborated." assertion.
- ENES comment "ENES gathers the community working on Earth’s climate system modelling with the aim to accelerate progress in this field. This community is strongly involved in the assessments of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and provides those predictions, on which EU mitigation and adaptation policies are elaborated." assertion.
- association comment "The association was established by the amplicon metagenomic analysis of the gut content of the beetles, which revealed DNA of the object taxon." assertion.
- association comment "The association was established by the amplicon metagenomic analysis of the gut content of the beetles, which revealed DNA of the object taxon." assertion.
- association comment "The association was established by the amplicon metagenomic analysis of the gut content of the beetles, which revealed DNA of the object taxon." assertion.
- association comment "The association was established by the amplicon metagenomic analysis of the gut content of the beetles, which revealed DNA of the object taxon." assertion.
- association comment "The association was established by the amplicon metagenomic analysis of the gut content of the beetles, which revealed DNA of the object taxon." assertion.
- association comment "The association was established by the amplicon metagenomic analysis of the gut content of the beetles, which revealed DNA of the object taxon." assertion.
- association comment "The association was established by the amplicon metagenomic analysis of the gut content of the beetles, which revealed DNA of the object taxon." assertion.
- association comment "The association was established by the amplicon metagenomic analysis of the gut content of the beetles, which revealed DNA of the object taxon." assertion.
- association comment "The association was established by the amplicon metagenomic analysis of the gut content of the beetles, which revealed DNA of the object taxon." assertion.
- association comment "The association was established by the amplicon metagenomic analysis of the gut content of the beetles, which revealed DNA of the object taxon." assertion.
- association comment "The association was established by the amplicon metagenomic analysis of the gut content of the beetles, which revealed DNA of the object taxon." assertion.
- association comment "The association was established by the amplicon metagenomic analysis of the gut content of the beetles, which revealed DNA of the object taxon." assertion.
- association comment "The association was established by the amplicon metagenomic analysis of the gut content of the beetles, which revealed DNA of the object taxon." assertion.
- association comment "The association was established by the amplicon metagenomic analysis of the gut content of the beetles, which revealed DNA of the object taxon." assertion.
- association comment "The association was established by the amplicon metagenomic analysis of the gut content of the beetles, which revealed DNA of the object taxon." assertion.
- association comment "The association was established by the amplicon metagenomic analysis of the gut content of the beetles, which revealed DNA of the object taxon." assertion.